The Tribal Classroom with Dr. Louis Cozolino


“The key is to create an environment where everyone feels invested, like they're benefiting from it and a respected member of the tribe.” 


The word ‘tribe’ is often viewed through a political lens. We stick to our own, feeling less safe to cross boundaries with those who think differently. Yet there is another definition of ‘tribe’ that applies to deep learning, which forms in tribal classrooms that promote cultures of safety and stability. Dr. Louis Cozolino explains how the tribal classroom is the model classroom.

Louis Cozolino, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine University and has a private practice in Beverly Hills, CA. He is the author of The Social Neuroscience of Education, Attachment-Based Teaching: Creating a Tribal ClassroomThe Neuroscience of Human RelationshipsThe Neuroscience of PsychotherapyThe Making of a TherapistTimeless, and The Pocket Guide to Neuroscience for Clinicians. Dr. Cozolino is an expert in neuroscience, the social brain, stress and trauma. He has conducted research in the areas of schizophrenia, child abuse, the impact of stress, the biobehavioral sciences and psychotherapy. Dr. Cozolino holds a Ph.D. from UCLA and an M.T.S. from Harvard University.