Posts in Social Emotional Learning
Teacher Wellbeing with Adrian Bethune

During that time I had this realization that I was someone who had worked incredibly hard at school. And I thought to myself during this difficult time, “I have all of this knowledge, all of these qualifications and I literally have no idea how to help myself feel better or get better.” I was literally in a rut and I didn't know what to do.

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Teaching and Coaching with Alex Rosenblum

At the end of the day, these kids need to know more than anything else that you care about them and that you want to see them succeed. And something I think about all the time in coaching is, am I doing that? Am I making sure that these kids know that I care about them? And that's really been one of the reasons that we've been successful at our school is because of whether it's the sports or whether it's the classroom, the kids know that we're passionate about what they're doing.

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The Power of Belief with Brian Wogensen

Positivity is about feeling like there's meaning to what you're doing and that there's a kind of mystery. When I'm feeling the most positive, and I think when my students are feeling the most positive, is when there's an unknown. There’s a mystery that we're seeking. So there's something drawing us forward.

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Adolescent Health with Oona Hanson

It's part of a cultural message to parents that they're somehow always getting it wrong. And that doesn't help anybody. It's just like with students, if they're always feeling criticized they aren't necessarily going to learn better. Shame doesn't motivate people.

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